Saturday, July 4, 2009


ahhh, what a morning...

first off, we want to thank eliana and her parents for putting us up for last night and tonight. i feel bad for them.. we smelled TERRIBLE last night (except for me, i smell like roses). it took us 16 hours 23 minutes and 43 seconds to get from aldens place in CT to eliana's place in jersey.

the day was eventful to say the least. cole and i were pulled over my a po po in CT. for no particular reason other than he wanted to harass and yell at us. at any rate, he let us go without giving us a ticket......

then there was lunch, mmm. delicious.. i made a peanut butter, banana M&M sandwich. it was legendary.

on another note:

cycling across the states: good idea
cycling through bronx NY: bad idea

the bronx was a mess, people everywhere, terrible roads, broadway was a climb and a half..

then there was the GW bridge, holy shit that was a pain in the ass to cross, that itself took over 90 minutes, we had to carry bikes up and down stairs and what not. but it was worth it, the photos speak for themselves.

we then crossed into jersey and blew down this massive hill only to realize we missed a turn at the top of the hill and there was NO WAY in hell we were going to cycling 2 miles up a massive hill with tons of twists, turns and potholes, not to mention we were already on the road for about 12 hours at that time. perfect timing for the GPS to die. we ended up making up a new route and going up this MASSIVE hill, made it 3/4 of the way before i had to get off and walk the bike, mentally, that hill broke me.

after that we were back on track, sort of, but we had trouble finding 46 west, we asked everyone but apparently no one in jersey (or at least that part of jersey) speaks english. well, we finally find and get on 46west and it was probably equally or more terrifying than riding through the bronx, nothing like cycling on a route with little lighting and crap roads.. after about 15 miles of cycling in the dark we find montclair. which we happen to go the wrong way a couple times to burn off more energy. at one point chad said and i quote: "i have about 5 miles left in me and that's it". luckily it was less than 5 miles to eliana's.

so much more happened, but i'm pretty tired and i have a lot to take care of.

oh.. for those who are counting.. chad did poop, THREE TIMES (or so he claims) yesterday, we don't quite believe him. but for now we'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

oh, how could i have forgotten, we met a cougar and her family, they took photos of us and we took a photograph of them.. which i'll put up later.

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